As we have observed around us in the last few years, nature's balance has been thrown into turmoil. According to experts, nature’s calendar has almost completely collapsed due to violent acts of industrialization and urbanization. Our thoughtless actions have resulted in calamities that are daily increasing in magnitude. But a small ray of hope has emerged amidst these dark tidings.
A tiny patch of mushrooms was observed for the first time on October 28, 2017, at Puliyarakonam. M.R. Hari has been refurbishing this rocky hill since 2009, employing a multitude of afforestation techniques. To see the sudden emergence of a patch of mushrooms was a source of joy, but it didn't appear remarkable at the time. It just seemed like a good sign that the land was slowly regaining its original natural health.
Fast forward a year, and the phenomenon repeated itself on October 28, 2018, much to the astonishment of everyone involved. The same patch of mushrooms, on the same date, a year apart? This was more than mere coincidence at this point. To remove all apprehension regarding this phenomenon, we waited another year. And lo and behold, on October 28, 2019, our patch of mushrooms returned, proving that nature, if left uninterrupted, shall rectify and heal on its own.
This event has indeed opened our eyes to how nature’s calendar can be revived without artificial or external catalysts. We plan to study, analyze and replicate this process and slowly rejuvenate Mother Nature in any way we can.
Posted Date 30-10-2019