A small flower forest covering an area of 76 sq. m was created in front of the house at Puliyarakonam in Thiruvananthapuram in May 2019.  As it was planted along the lines of the Miyawaki Model, it attained enviable growth in two years.  A total of nearly 141 plants, belonging to 62 different species, thrive here.  Flowring plants include varities of Ixora, Oleander, Crossandra, Rose, Spider lilly, Bridal Bouquet, Crossandra, malabar Rhododendrons, Plumeria, Allamanda and others. On an average, at least 40 plants are in bloom at any given time.  

Apart from bringing a riot of colours and a variety of fragrances into the place, its greatest merit is that a butterfly garden has naturally emerged here, expanded the ecosystem, and infused greater vibrancy to the ambience. 

You can see more details here
